Emperor Year 2009

brochure© Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH/Steffen & Bach

The city of Braunschweig organised a year with over 170 varied events and more than 50 partners to commemorate the 800th Anniversary of Otto IV.'s coronation through Pope Innocent III. Guided tours and lectures, concerts and readings, excursions into the region as well as medieval festivals and markets rounded off the programme of the Emperor Year. 'A Day at Court in 1209', the knight's tournament and the European Minnesong Festival invited everyone to discover Emperor Otto IV. and his world in lots of entertaining ways.

One of the highlights was the Lower Saxony State Exhibition 'Otto IV. - Dream of a Guelph Empire' under the patronage of the President of Lower Saxony, Christian Wulff.

Explanations and hints

Picture credits

  • Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH/Steffen & Bach